

更新日:2022年4月8日 ページID:036976






1. 私たちは、お互いの人権を尊重し、差別のない思いやりにあふれた明るい社会づくりに努めます。

1. 私たちは、次代を担う子供たちに、戦争の恐ろしさを原爆被爆の体験とともに語り伝え、平和に関する教育の充実に努めます。

1. 私たちは、国際文化都市として世界の人々との交流を深めながら、国連並びに世界の各都市と連帯して人類の繁栄と福祉の向上に努めます。

1. 私たちは、核兵器をつくらず、持たず、持ちこませずの非核三原則を守り、国に対してもこの原則の厳守を求め、世界の平和・軍縮の推進に努めます。

1. 私たちは、原爆被爆都市の使命として、核兵器の脅威を世界に訴え、世界の人々と力を合わせて核兵器の廃絶に努めます。


平成元年3月27日 長崎市議会議決

平成元年3月27日 長崎市告示第112号


The city of Nagasakiserved for centuries as a gateway for the introduction of foreign culture and knowledge to Japan, and through this history of international exchange it has developed its own unique cultural heritage.

On August 9, 1945, Nagasakiwas devastated by the explosion of an atomic bomb.
Reflecting upon the actions of our predecessors in past wars, and remembering the unending sufferings of the atomic bomb survivors, we resolve to ensure that Nagasaki is the last place on Earth subjected to the horror and misery of a nuclear holocaust. 
Lasting world peace is the common aspiration of all humanity.In accordance with the spirit of peace cited in the Japanese constitution, we pledge out utmost efforts to promote a life of democracy, peace and safety and to work for the realization of global harmony. We hereby establish, on the 100th anniversary of the inauguration of our modern municipal administration, the “Nagasaki Citizens Peace Charter.”

  1. We will strive to create and maintain a bright social environment characterized by thoughtfulness, respect for human rights, and freedom from discrimination.
  2. We will strive to enhance peace education and to inform our children - on whose shoulders the future lies - about the horror of war and the reality of the atomic bombing.
  3. We will strive to promote the prosperity and welfare of humanity in cooperation with the United Nations and cities around the world while strengthening bonds of friendship as an international culture city.
  4. We will strive for world peace and disarmament by observing the Three-Fold Non-Nuclear Principle (not to manufacture, store or introduce nuclear weapons) and by pressing the Japanese government to strictly observe this principle.
  5. As the mission of an atomic-bombed city, we will strive to rid the Earth of nuclear weapons by revealing the horror of nuclear destruction and by joining in efforts with peace-loving people everywhere.

The citizens of Nagasakiproclaim, to all the people of Japanand other countries, an unbending determination to achieve the ideals expressed in this charter by carrying various peace-promotion measures into concrete practice.


原爆被爆対策部 平和推進課 



住所:〒852-8117 長崎市平野町7-8(長崎原爆資料館内)



