
Other Notifications (Marriage/Pregnancy/Birth/Divorce/Death)

更新日:2023年6月21日 ページID:029477

Ajisai Call

  • Marriage Notification
    Marriage Notifications must be submitted to a Regional Office. Your marriage will be valid the day the notification is filed.
    *Documents required for marriage differ based on the country of each party. Please contact a Regional Office in advance.
  • Pregnancy Notification
    Submit a Pregnancy Notification to one of the offices on the right to receive your Maternal and Child Health Handbook. A public health nurse will speak with you. You will need to make an appointment before going to locations 2. through 5.. This handbook contains health records for the mother and child, and your child’s vaccination records. Be sure to take it to the hospital with you when you go for a health checkup or vaccination. You will also receive coupons for prenatal checkups.
    【Submit a Pregnancy Notification to:】
    1.Parenting Support Division (e-Kao Plaza, 2F Nagasaki City Hall) TEL:095-829-1255
    2.East General Office Regional Welfare Division TEL:095-813-9001
    3.South General Office Regional Welfare Division TEL:095-892-1113
    4.North General Office Regional Welfare Division TEL:095-814-3400
    5.Nishi-Urakami Regional Office TEL:095-848-5151
  • Birth Notification
    • Submit a Notification of Birth (within 14 days following the childbirth)
      Regional Office 
      ♦Items Needed for Notification:

      ・Birth Notification(issued by doctor)
      ・Maternal and Child Health Handbook

    • Resident Status (within 30 days following childbirth)
      ⇒Fukuoka Regional Immigration Bureau Nagasaki Branch Office
      (7-29 Matsugae-machi)
    • Government Procedures for Your Home Country
      ⇒Conduct these at an embassy or consulate.
  • Health Checkup for Infants
    Your child is entitled to five health checkups at the following ages: 4 months, 7 months, 10 months, 18 months and 3 years old. You will receive a notification informing you of each checkup. Checkups are free.
    *Your child must also receive certain vaccines within a designated period (free).
    Contact a Regional Welfare Division at one of the General Offices for details.
    • Central General Office
      ☎ 095-829-1429
    • East General Office
      ☎ 095-813-9001
    • South General Office
      ☎ 095-892-1113
    • North General Office
      ☎ 095-814-3400

*Your child must also receive certain vaccines within a designated period (free).
Contact the Child Policy Division for details.
☎ 095-829-1270

  • Divorce Notification
    This notification must be submitted to a Regional Office. Your divorce will go into effect the day the notification is filed. If your divorce is the result of a court case, this notification must be filed within 10 days after ruling is official.
    *Documents required for divorce differ based on the situation and country of each party. Please contact the Regional Office in advance.
  • Notification of Death
    Submit notification to a Regional Office within 7 days after receiving news of a death in the family.
    • Items Needed for Notification:
      • Death Certificate (issued by a doctor)
      • National Health Insurance Card (if enrolled)

*If applicable, return the deceased’s Resident Card to the Fukuoka Regional Immigration Bureau Nagasaki Branch Office (7-29 Matsugae-machi).



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